There might be a couple of reasons why you are considering dentures. You could’ve potentially lost one or more teeth and need dentures as a replacement. Maybe you don’t like the appearance of your front teeth and would prefer a more aesthetically pleasing look. Possibly, your teeth are damaged, and you’d rather have replacements to show off more natural-looking pearly whites. Whichever reason you may have, dentures are always an option for those who are interested in improving their smile.
There might be a couple of reasons why you are considering dentures. You could’ve potentially lost one or more teeth and need dentures as a replacement. Maybe you don’t like the appearance of your front teeth and would prefer a more aesthetically pleasing look. Possibly, your teeth are damaged, and you’d rather have replacements to show off more natural-looking pearly whites. Whichever reason you may have, dentures are always an option for those who are interested in improving their smile.
However, before you make the major decision to receive dentures, Glendale residents should consider all of their options. Firstly, you have to consider how adjusting to life with these “false teeth” can affect you. One of the biggest reactions to having dentures is getting used to how they affect your speech. Since your tongue will be in a different position, it’s likely that you may say certain words differently or have a whistling sound while talking. As a result, Glendale patients who have dentures may feel frustrated about how different their speech is. After a little practice and effort, these speech issues can be fixed and inevitably go away. However, that takes patience and a willingness to adjust to a new situation.
Why Dental Implants are a Good Alternative to Dentures
With that being said, dentures are not for everyone. Here in Glendale, you have other options, such as dental implants, which will not affect your speech as drastically. Dental implants serve as a non-removable form of dentures. Glendale patients have the option of getting All-on-4® dental implants which replaces missing teeth. The implants are inserted into the jawbone and then function by replacing the root of your tooth. The technique maintains the structure of your face and uses permanent replacement teeth. These replacement implants will allow for your teeth to look more natural than dentures, as the acrylic used for dentures will be displayed instead of your actual gum color. Also, dentures can move around in your mouth since they are not solidified to one area. Dental implants, however, will stay in the same place as they are connected to your jawbone. Because of this, it will be easier to speak clearly and closer to your normal speech with dental implants than with dentures. The treatment is a good option for those who are seeking an alternative to dealing with the speech issues that can accompany dentures.
Foothill Center for Dental Implants and Oral Surgery Provide Dental Implants
Near Glendale, dental implants can be performed by the highly trained surgeons at Foothill Center for Dental Implants and Oral Surgery. When choosing an option for replacement teeth that won’t drastically affect your teeth, our professionals can help guide you by helping answer any questions you may have about dental implants. Since our practice has been in business since 1929, our highly trained staff is skilled and knowledgeable in all dentistry areas. If there is a question you have about dentures, dental implants, or replacing teeth; we can help. Call us today at (626) 792-3161 to set up an appointment, consultation, or to voice any concerns. Let us help explain how dental implants can help be the solution you need.