Wisdom Teeth Extraction | Glendale’s Lytle, Tate and Stamper Discusses Treatment and Recovery

One of the most common oral surgery procedures that people undergo is wisdom teeth extraction. Glendale patients may notice the development of these teeth between ages 17 and 25. Most patients develop four wisdom teeth, but it is not unusual to have fewer or more teeth.

The professionals at Lytle, Tate and Stamper encourage patients to consider wisdom teeth extraction. Glendale patients may prefer to address the issue before the teeth have fully developed. Alternatively, patients may seek care when these wisdom teeth have completely come in. Dental problems caused by wisdom teeth may include…
• Impaction: Wisdom teeth often do not emerge correctly from the gums, either because there is not enough room within the jaw for their growth or because they develop at an incorrect angle.
• Interference with other teeth: When wisdom teeth crowd and push against existing teeth, they can move these teeth out of alignment or affect them at their roots.
• Disruption of orthodontics: If the patient has appliances such as braces holding teeth in position, growing wisdom teeth can put pressure on these bands.

Without wisdom teeth extraction, Glendale patients may experience more cavities, infections, discomfort, and misalignment of existing teeth. The great care with which they have treated their smile can be undermined in a matter of years.

During and After Wisdom Teeth Removal

For the procedure, your doctor will decide whether you will receive a local anesthetic to numb only the area where the tooth will be removed or a general anesthetic, which will help you sleep through the procedure. If a local anesthetic is used, the doctor may also utilize a mild sedative.

The length of time that the extraction process will take will depend on your needs. Patients who have more wisdom teeth to be removed or whose wisdom teeth are severely impacted may require greater care. However, many patients who have the procedure are surprised how quickly the surgery is completed.

Your Lytle, Tate and Stamper doctor and staff will prepare you for what to expect following surgery. Those who receive general anesthesia may feel its effects for several hours afterward. Doctors will advise patients about measures to ensure their safe arrival home. Usually, recovery from wisdom teeth extraction lasts only a few days. Glendale patients may require stitches at the site of the surgery, and so LTS will offer information on follow-up care to assist in a speedy recuperation.

About Our Work

Lytle, Tate and Stamper’s oral surgeons have extensive experience in extracting wisdom teeth. Our doctors are recognized as specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery by the American Dental Association. They participate in the research that leads to new techniques and serve as leaders in organizations such as the California Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. From the initial consultation to our work in sedation dentistry, Glendale patients can be assured of professional treatment and exceptional results.

Call or email Lytle, Tate and Stamper today for an initial consultation. Contact them at their office in Glendale.